
This is a collated list of artists and specific pieces that I either like or that relate to my artwork.

It also shows the technical work that has been put into my work.


These are artists or art pieces that either relate to my artwork directly or have influenced my work in one way or another.

  • florian jenett : florian jenett

    Artist who creates Digital Media as well as branching into other artistic territories.


    A very visually interesting collection of Netart-works. The glitch image aesthetic and crass anitmated gif type loops are interesting and work well as photomontage.

  • abstractmachine

    Collection/blog of various Digital Media artworks.

  • the telectroscope – 2009. london, new york and the world.

    Artist whose work relates more to my work at the beginning of the year however still holds some of the values that my artwork strives for such as realational aesthetics, and working with the general public.

  • arts: photographer loves math, graphs her images | magazine

    Nice article about an artist who portrays her photographs in a technical, mathematical manner.

  • make: online : minimum wage machine

    A visual piece of work that shows an abstract concept and executes it well.

  • Dave Bollinger - works

    Processing Artist that has some strong visual pieces but I'm more interested in the Processing Quickies as the source code is provided and can some of the functions can be used for my own works. Helps me learn and become a stronger coder.

  • microcodes - pall thayer

    I really like these. This makes coding accessible to anyone who will spend enough time to try and work out the concept. The code itself doesn't produce interesting programs in itself but reading the code along with the titles reveals common sayings and thoughts that are executed within the code itself.

  • microcodes

    Piksel giving an article on the artist above.

  • projects | ben fry

    Ben Fry who initiated the Processing project along with Casey Reas. His works are diverse but use data visualitsation or coding to produce the work. Very inspiring artist purely for his diverse nature and not the same old data visualisation or pretty colours generative art type stuff.

  • aiu: a yoko ono website. unofficial resource. imagine peace.

    A resource to the art of Yoko Ono. I particularly like her piece entitled Secret Piece III. This brings people together to create a piece all about love. Showing the universal language of love.

  • Antony Gormley's fourth plinth is his best work artwork yet | Art and design |

    I see this as having roots with my work. The use of the public to create the work. The work is about whatever we as people choose and how we relate to the idea of the plinth.

  • Network Research » Exquisite Clock

    This piece is similar in functionality to my WDYWTS stage of work. The imagery is uploaded via the public and the results displayed in the gallery.

  • Yoko Ono: Secret Piece III | Facebook

    The facebook site and online realm for Yoko Ono's Secret Piece III

  • Do It With Others at the Dark Mountain

    DIWO was an experimentation looking into the use of networking. Having links with earlier mail art. DIWO moved the work to a more collaborative approach to making. My work seeks to get slightly further in the fact that the artist sets the initial parameters and then the creation is soley governed by the participants.

  • Allan Kaprow–Art as LifeAllan Kaprow's happenings were pieces that blurred art and life. The artist sets up activites for the participants to engage with for the sake of playing.
  • Allan Kaprow

    Information about Alan Kaprow. He started the happening movement which has lead to the way New Media Art is often engaged with.

  • Nicolas Bourriaud

    Nicolas Bourriaud who is exploring Relational Art as an ism and AlterModern as a progression from Post-Modernism

  • F.A.T.

    Art group who use the internet and the ideas of the internet into a physcial space to create their art. Often using famous companies such as google to great effect.

  • http:// net art in space in london: If not you not me by Annie Abrahams

    Annie Abrahams - If Not you Not Me. One of the leading artists of Networked Performance Art.

  • Exquisite corpse

    Exquisite Corpse which has been used again and again. The Exquisite Clock is a progression from this into the realm of New Media Art.


    Net.Art group who have some really interesting, unique pieces relating to net culture.


This section includes the state of Internet culture, Digital Media/New Media Art along with some Open-Source Paradigm and Globalisatoin Theory articles. It looks more at the concepts and appropriation of my work.


These are various resources that I have flagged for me to keep an eye on and may be useful now or in the future.

Blogs/Newsletters I Subscribe to

These are blogs that I keep up to date with. Some of these have articles that I find very useful but I have not included in the theory or artists sections as the page would be too lengthy.


These various articles look at the practicalities of how to do what I want to do with my work. Each article is to be read. I haven't commented as they are self-explanitory. Some of these are discussions I have participated in through the open source community. Others are articles that I have have searched for and created from external sources.

Website Creation

As described with my Code section this section is more of a means to an end. These look at how to do what I want to do. However as my work involves the internet the limitations and possiblities that the internet and the web enables us empower and influence my work.


These are books that I've wholly or partially read, drawing from any particularly interesting parts in the lead up to this work.

  • The work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. - WALTER BENJAMIN
  • The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere – An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. - JÜRGEN HABERMAS
  • The Internet As A Diverse Community: Cultural, Organizational, and Political Issues. - URS E. GATTIKER
  • Jürgen Habermas on Society and Politics: A Reader. - JÜRGEN HABERMAS
  • Globalization: social theory and global culture. - ROLAND ROBERTSON
  • Cultural studies: theory and practice. - CHRIS BARKER
  • The Gutenberg galaxy: the making of typographic man. - MARSHALL MCLUHAN
  • The Art of With. - CHARLES LEADBEATER
  • Relational Aesthetics. - NICOLAS BOURRIAUD