This is a collated list of artists and specific pieces that I either like or that relate to my artwork.
It also shows the technical work that has been put into my work.
These are artists or art pieces that either relate to my artwork directly or have influenced my work in one way or another.
- florian jenett : florian jenett
Artist who creates Digital Media as well as branching into other artistic territories.
A very visually interesting collection of Netart-works. The glitch image aesthetic and crass anitmated gif type loops are interesting and work well as photomontage.
- abstractmachine
Collection/blog of various Digital Media artworks.
- the telectroscope – 2009. london, new york and the world.
Artist whose work relates more to my work at the beginning of the year however still holds some of the values that my artwork strives for such as realational aesthetics, and working with the general public.
- arts: photographer loves math, graphs her images | magazine
Nice article about an artist who portrays her photographs in a technical, mathematical manner.
- make: online : minimum wage machine
A visual piece of work that shows an abstract concept and executes it well.
- Dave Bollinger - works
Processing Artist that has some strong visual pieces but I'm more interested in the Processing Quickies as the source code is provided and can some of the functions can be used for my own works. Helps me learn and become a stronger coder.
- microcodes - pall thayer
I really like these. This makes coding accessible to anyone who will spend enough time to try and work out the concept. The code itself doesn't produce interesting programs in itself but reading the code along with the titles reveals common sayings and thoughts that are executed within the code itself.
- microcodes
Piksel giving an article on the artist above.
- projects | ben fry
Ben Fry who initiated the Processing project along with Casey Reas. His works are diverse but use data visualitsation or coding to produce the work. Very inspiring artist purely for his diverse nature and not the same old data visualisation or pretty colours generative art type stuff.
- aiu: a yoko ono website. unofficial resource. imagine peace.
A resource to the art of Yoko Ono. I particularly like her piece entitled Secret Piece III. This brings people together to create a piece all about love. Showing the universal language of love.
- Antony Gormley's fourth plinth is his best work artwork yet | Art and design |
I see this as having roots with my work. The use of the public to create the work. The work is about whatever we as people choose and how we relate to the idea of the plinth.
- Network Research » Exquisite Clock
This piece is similar in functionality to my WDYWTS stage of work. The imagery is uploaded via the public and the results displayed in the gallery.
- Yoko Ono: Secret Piece III | Facebook
The facebook site and online realm for Yoko Ono's Secret Piece III
- Do It With Others at the Dark Mountain
DIWO was an experimentation looking into the use of networking. Having links with earlier mail art. DIWO moved the work to a more collaborative approach to making. My work seeks to get slightly further in the fact that the artist sets the initial parameters and then the creation is soley governed by the participants.
- Allan Kaprow–Art as LifeAllan Kaprow's happenings were pieces that blurred art and life. The artist sets up activites for the participants to engage with for the sake of playing.
- Allan Kaprow
Information about Alan Kaprow. He started the happening movement which has lead to the way New Media Art is often engaged with.
- Nicolas Bourriaud
Nicolas Bourriaud who is exploring Relational Art as an ism and AlterModern as a progression from Post-Modernism
- F.A.T.
Art group who use the internet and the ideas of the internet into a physcial space to create their art. Often using famous companies such as google to great effect.
- http:// net art in space in london: If not you not me by Annie Abrahams
Annie Abrahams - If Not you Not Me. One of the leading artists of Networked Performance Art.
- Exquisite corpse
Exquisite Corpse which has been used again and again. The Exquisite Clock is a progression from this into the realm of New Media Art.
Net.Art group who have some really interesting, unique pieces relating to net culture.
This section includes the state of Internet culture, Digital Media/New Media Art along with some Open-Source Paradigm and Globalisatoin Theory articles. It looks more at the concepts and appropriation of my work.
- Happening
Definition of Happening by Alan Kaprow
- Relational Art
Definition of Relational Art. Art that looks more at the relationship than the object. More at subjects than objects
- New media artA set of artistic practices that look at new media to create art. Both commenting on the use of new media and utilising it to create something new. Has links with Alan Kaprow's idea of Happening.
- BBC’s Collaborative Project Sharing creativity; the creativity of sharing
Just interesting to see that the BBC are asking the net community to name the title of their programme
- Participatory art
With links to relational art and New media Art. Included this for depth and the relationship to my work.
- SITUATED » Blog Archive » Exhibiting New Media Art
Interesting look at where New Media Art is today. It's relationship to established art and asking questions as well as going to some lengths to trying to answer them.
- Painting Blog: Artist as Curator, Curator as Artist
This seems to have some links to my work. Where the artist acts more as mediator than creation of the physical work itself.
- Dialogue - A Space to talk: Curator, Artist, Collaborauteur by Gillian Howard
Again looking at the blending between artist and curator and the important role dialogue between the two can have upon the artwork.
- code: collaborative ownership and the digital commons
Although Wikipedia is not great for some uses, I've included some here as they help me understand concepts and quickly get an idea of a broad subject. This article describes a book that I would like to explore further but haven't as yet had the time to purchase. It talks about the Open source ideal and open collaboration as a way to produce work and the benefits.
- free culture movement
The Free Culture Movement is one way that strives to develop culture through creativity and innovation.
- crowdsourcing
The idea of using crowds to generate work that would be difficult to be created by an individual or a small group of people. This is a key concept to what I find are the benefits to the open source paradigm. Making connections and creating something as part of a community to create one, big whole. This is linked to a participatory Art Practice, ala Nicolas Bourieau
- gratis versus libre
Ways of describing to type of the word Free in English. One denoting something that is given to someone for free, with no charge. The other to describe freedom, that you are free to do what you will with the subject matter.
- commons-based peer production
A term similar to crowdsourcing but seems to be applied more to traditional academic workflows with the added benefits of crowds.
- open source tactics for collective art practice
Extensive academic paper regarding applying an open source practice and applying it to ones art practice. Some really good, poinient points here. A steady balance of theory and application.
- marshall mcluhan - the medium is the message
Have read various papers published by Marshall McLuhan. I'm specifically interested in his concepts of the Global Village to describe the internet amongst other things making a earth into a smaller place via ease of communication over broad distances. Especially 'The Gutenberg Galaxy'.
- create digital motion » processing, sketchbooks, and the creative ecosystem
Excellent article describing especially Processing but can be applied to all Art/Code work on the problems facing artists who choose to use Left and Right side of the brain but going to some length describe possible solutions or avenues to explore the difficult world of Digital Media.
- only connect: e. m. forster in an age of electronic communication
The almost over used quote from E.M. Forster - Howard's End describing the necessity to connect with others. This Essay explores the ideas of applying the idea to the electronic age and ther problems we face when we don't physically connect with others.
- essays on the blurring of art and life.
Although not directly related to my work there are some interesting thoughts on how art can and should interact with life. This is related to my practice in the way that my communal art practice is relating to communities in our lives. Hopefully indirectly connecting people that otherwise would not have any connection.
- the noosphere in 1996: when the internet was utopia
A pollitically charged article surrounding tensions of internet freedom and governing bodies tightening restrictions on what you can and can't do on the internet. This is becoming a greater concern as small amounts of pressure are being constantly restricting the freedom of the internet.
- how social networking works | itworld
Article looking at how Social Networks work. Although most of this is techinical there are a few tidbits of information painting a picture of how social networks work in a sociological way.
- tate papers - blurring the boundaries between art and life (in the museum?)
Another blurring of art and life paper but this one from the tate. Looking at how the blurring of art and life can be utilised through the use of participatory artworks and viewers cna experience for themselves.
- summary : dialectic of enlightenment « introducing the frankfurt school
A small summary looking at the Dialectic of Enlightenment. Some of the ideas bought up such as post-elightenment and modernity along with the way that technology shows us something new or disproves past myths vaguely relate to my work.
- furtherfield review - altermodernism: the age of the stupid
A good essay questioning Nicolas Bouriaud's Altermodernism.
- » floss+art
A good, open-source book looking at the Free/Libre Open Source Software and how this can relate to an artists practice.
- altermodern: a conversation with nicolas bourriaud - conversations - news & opinion - art in america
Altermodernism from the horses mouth!
- fillip / what is a participatory practice? (david goldenberg and patricia reed)
A look at the emergin idea of a participatory art practice. What this is, what it means and what it looks like.
- the art of fiction: nothing is new
Looking at how art in the 21st Century may look with contextual value rather than the monetary value that may describe the successfullness of a piece of work.
- the art of with » the two avant gardes
The Art Of With describes a view of an entirely different way of working, looking and connecting with people and how technology may help. This really changes the way that we can and are connecting with each other.
- if:book: expressive processing: an experiment in blog-based peer review
Someone experimenting with using crowdsourcing to produce and create a discussion of a work originally created by him. It is good to see someone trying something that isn't really applied to his area of work to see if it can work.
- introduction |
Looking at the history of network culture. Still very much a work in progress.
- linuxplanet - opinions - linux and free/open source software: why code for free? (part 1) - the four freedoms
A technical article exploring why you would code for free. Exploring the opensource paradigm and why anyone would apply it to their work.
- wired 11.11: open source everywhere
Article from Wired magazine showing how the open source methodology is transferrable to many spheres of life.
- the arts as new creation | open source theology
A very Christian centered article however it shows the diversity and importance of open source.
- copyright and globalization
Looking at the emergence of technologies and questioning the viability of Copyright. Focuses on Richard Stallman who is one of the leading people on the subject of free culture.
- bbc news | technology | uk government backs open source
Following are various BBC News articles that look at open source subjects and technological articles and the surrounding areas.
- bbc news - open societies need open systems
- bbc news | business | buy none, get one free
- bbc news | technology | open source search effort starts
- bbc news | technology | of pixels and paintbrushes
- bbc news - the media and the message
- bbc news | technology | a nation of programmers?
- bbc news | technology | tech shifts cultural boundaries
These are various resources that I have flagged for me to keep an eye on and may be useful now or in the future.
- pilot theatre : shift happens
- british council - creative collaboration
- main page - artsoftware
- http:// net art in space in london:do it with others (diwo) at the dark mountain
http gallery owned (?) by furtherfield who I have had some contact with.
Blogs/Newsletters I Subscribe to
These are blogs that I keep up to date with. Some of these have articles that I find very useful but I have not included in the theory or artists sections as the page would be too lengthy.
- NetBehaviour <---> A Networked Artists Community
- CreativeApplications.Net | Apps That Inspire...
- Rhizome | Home
- codeanticode
- network research
- abstractmachine
- openlab london
- piksel | //////////// free as in art!
- generator.x: software and generative strategies in art and design
- projects | ben fry
- net art at furtherfield, web art, political art, poetry, critical text & creative freedom
These various articles look at the practicalities of how to do what I want to do with my work. Each article is to be read. I haven't commented as they are self-explanitory. Some of these are discussions I have participated in through the open source community. Others are articles that I have have searched for and created from external sources.
- Processing Discourse - MySQL / PHP / TomCat / Processing
- Create a Simple Input Sanitation Function With PHP. | Dev Tips | Become a Better Developer, One Tip at a Time.
- In the Woods – Diving into PHP: Day 11
- Asynchronous Comments with PHP, jQuery, and JSON | Nettuts+
- PHP: Mysqli - Manual
- PHP: array_keys - Manual
- HTML textarea tag
- CSS Styling Tables
- PHP: mysqli::real_escape_string - Manual
- PHP Tutorial: Managing Data
- MySQL Tutorial - Count
- Form submission to MySQL database from PHP file
- Preloading Images with jQuery and JavaScript | Engineered Web
- Firefox proxy login and login and login again - Tech Support Forum
- Becoming a Sexy Programmer: Slideshows - O'Reilly Ruby
- JQuery Cycle Lite Plugin
- Arch Linux Forums / [solved]How to stop monitor from going to sleep
- Linux disable screen blanking i.e. preventing screen going blank
- Java Tips - How to detect Proxy Settings for Internet Connection
- Processing Discourse - Please Help... semi newbe stumped
- Proxy settings - ArchWiki
- Processing Discourse - Acessing web site from a computer behind a proxy
- Processing Discourse - 1000 image array
- kiosk mode in linux | vita smid | web designer & web developer
- processing discourse - button event once until mouse released
- processing discourse - there must be a better way to code this.
- processing discourse - more mouse event?
- processing discourse - working with grids
- processing discourse - data status: composition i
- processing tutorial: spherical coordinates | blprnt.blg
- processing discourse - glitch art
- pppart : built with processing
- processing discourse - arraylist problem
- how can i calculate the difference between two arraylists? - stack overflow
- tech tip: start a kiosk style machine running a single x11 application | linux journal
- sooperlooper - live looping sampler
- share a remote filesystem over ssh |
- processing 1.0 - synchronizing generative video + audio
- nwebb » modulo - a couple of nice uses
- processing 1.0 - glitch art
- sorting algorithms demo
Website Creation
As described with my Code section this section is more of a means to an end. These look at how to do what I want to do. However as my work involves the internet the limitations and possiblities that the internet and the web enables us empower and influence my work.
- listamatic: rollover horizontal list
- 20+ html forms best practices for beginners | nettuts+
- photos.get - facebook developers
- projects|python flickr api kit - stü
- tutorial - facebook developer wiki
- how to dynamically create thumbnails | nettuts+
- making & cropping thumbnails square using php & gd • return true
- step by step guide to creating a first facebook app at aleatory
- facebook photo uploads - auzigog's scribblings
- photos.get - facebook developer wiki
- image resizing made easy with php | nettuts+
- how to read and write files using php
- facebook api 101 – oink-pug presentation " the php coder's judy chop
- techniques for mastering curl | nettuts+
- create xml with mysql and php
- - output mysql data as xml with php
- creating xml from mysql is as easy as pi
- simple techniques to lock down your website - nettuts+
- top 7 php security blunders [php & mysql tutorials]
- a list apart: articles: graceful e-mail obfuscation
- - php contact form
- submit a form without page refresh using jquery - nettuts+
- regexr: online regular expression testing tool
- php: preg_match - manual
- sending multiple variables over a php query string.
- how to paginate data with php - nettuts+
- a dynamic site in 2 minutes
- how to make links using folder content? -
- list contents of a folder, make list of links
- php: scandir - manual
- how to dynamically create thumbnails - nettuts+
- classes vs ids - css-discuss
These are books that I've wholly or partially read, drawing from any particularly interesting parts in the lead up to this work.
- The work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. - WALTER BENJAMIN
- The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere – An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. - JÜRGEN HABERMAS
- The Internet As A Diverse Community: Cultural, Organizational, and Political Issues. - URS E. GATTIKER
- Jürgen Habermas on Society and Politics: A Reader. - JÜRGEN HABERMAS
- Globalization: social theory and global culture. - ROLAND ROBERTSON
- Cultural studies: theory and practice. - CHRIS BARKER
- The Gutenberg galaxy: the making of typographic man. - MARSHALL MCLUHAN
- Relational Aesthetics. - NICOLAS BOURRIAUD